Talk to Infologic about your Cyber Essentials needs.

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How Does Cyber Essentials Help With GDPR Compliance?

By having the Cyber Essentials qualification in place, you provide evidence that you have carried out steps to protecting your business’s cyber security, which is vital for GDPR compliance.

As part of this compliance, you must protect the integrity and confidentiality of any personal data you hold, and you must determine your own cyber security approach.

Cyber Essentials offers a good starting point for the cyber security of the IT you rely on to hold and process personal data.

How Does Cyber Essentials Work?

There are two levels of certifications:

  • Cyber Essentials – organisations self-assess their systems and this is independently verified.
  • Cyber Essentials Plus – systems are independently tested and Cyber Essentials is integrated into the organisation’s information risk management.

Annual re-certification is recommended in order for your business to stay up to date and current. The Council of Registered Ethical Security Testers has developed an assessment framework, which assesses boundary firewalls and Internet gateways, secure configuration access control, malware protection, and patch management.

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